What we do

Let's Connect

With each other

Basic Life Support Foundation is dedicated to aiding individuals in meeting their fundamental needs, as God grants us the grace.

We have established 3 major components as the Basic needs of human, drawing inspiration from  biblical principles and Maslow’s  hierarchy of needs.

These are;

  1. GOD(acknowledging and knowing Him)
  2. (food, water, shelter, warmth etc)
  3. Good health.

We seek to support people with these three elements, hence the name “Basic Life Support” and the three wings the organization is made of.

According to Maslow’s hierarchy, the basic needs of human are; air,  food, water, shelter, warmth etc.

Beyond these needs outlined by Maslow is a” source” there cannot be an existence without.

The source of life is GOD. He is the fundamental need of a human.

After reminding ourselves that GOD is the sustainer of life, let us establish the fact that the only way to Him is  Jesus Christ, “the word”.

John 1:3-4

All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

Considering  good health as a basic need; someone can have good food, water, shelter, warmth, air freely available in the atmosphere and a poor state of health would not give him/her the capacity to enjoy /benefit from those. Others have compromised quality of life because of ill health.

Some of these are preventable and with the right insight/knowledge they would have spared themselves of such. Some individuals find themselves in such situations because they lack the resources/help to seek health care.

Considering WHO’S definition of health; we can conclude that good health is beyond the absence of diseases or infirmities. It encompasses physical, mental and social well-being.

Good health is as important as (air, water, food, shelter and warmth). If the former is compromised, the latter may not find relevance.

This Foundation’s mission embody addressing not only immediate needs like food, water, and shelter but also facilitating spiritual growth and empowering individuals to take charge of their health, echoing the sentiments of 3 John 1:2 by the apostle John, “Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.”

By integrating biblical teachings with practical assistance, Basic Life Support Foundation endeavors to foster a community where individuals can be comfortable with basic aspects of their lives, reflecting the essence of Matthew 25:35-36, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.”


  • to emphasize the importance of recognizing God as the cornerstone of human existence through Jesus Christ.
  • providing assistance to individuals in terms of health and essential requirements


Our vision is to cultivate a world where the acknowledgement of GOD as the anchor of human existence is universally embraced, accompanied by a commitment to ensuring access to health-care and insight in health matters, as well as ensuring equitable access to essential resources for individuals, fostering a society grounded in spiritual fulfillment and holistic well-being.


Meet our competent team, who bring different experiences from different backgrounds together to make things happen.

Ms Gloria Amadu (Founder)

A Ghanaian and a registered nurse currently practicing in the UK. A product of Koinonia Global and influenced by the teachings of Apostle Joshua Selman, the founder of the above-mentioned. An elective Alpharian, pioneered by Pastor Elvis Agyemang of Grace Mountain Ministry. A product of Encounter Jesus Ministry International School of Spiritual Foundation.

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Bismark Owusu Mcclean